Spring Boot | Getting Started | User Management

Getting Started and Explore Spring Boot Features with sample User Management Application

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Getting Started and Explore Spring Boot Features with sample User Management Application

Following is a question or take home assignment was given in a Software Engineer (Java) interview. This project is all about exploring Spring Boot and its features in the process of solving that problem. Find the complete GitHub repository here

Question | Assignment


Problem Set

Part 1 - Simple form

Using Spring Boot create a Java web application project with an embedded web server (pick any) and embedded database (pick any). In addition to that, you could use any technology if necessary.

The goal is to store user information in the database. For now we only store firstname and lastname.

Create a web page that allows entering of new user data and stores the information in the database. The page should display an input field for firstname, an input field for lastname, and input field for email address, a text area field for biodata or simple introduction of the user, a dropdown or radio button for type of user (either Admin user or Normal user) and a save button.

If it is Admin user, add 2 additional input fields, a text area field for job responsibility description and a input field for admin access code in number.

If it is Normal user, add 1 additional input field, date of birth

On submit, the page should either clear the form, and display the message ‘User data saved’, or it should indicate an error if any of the input fields are empty.

Part 2 - Search functionality

Create a page to search for a user. It should contain one input field and a ‘search’ button. On submitting the form, it should display a list of all users where either the firstname, lastname, biodata, job responsibility (if admin) or together contain the search word(s).